I used to joke with my husband that I was going make him carrot dogs, as if putting a carrot in a bun would be the saddest and most pitiful meat substitution in the vegan world. It was not until I received the latest PlantPure Nation newsletter, which praised the carrot dog, did I realize that carrot dogs are more than just placing a carrot in a bun and adding toppings. …
Archives for June 2016
Trying New Things: Fiddlehead Ferns
A question I’m often asked is, “If you suddenly didn’t have lupus anymore, would you go back to eating the way you used to (as in, eating a standard American diet)?” My answer: absolutely not. The purpose of that question is of course to determine whether a plant-based diet is “worth it” for a seemingly healthy person, or if I regularly choke down my vegetable dinner then go to my room to cry over how much I miss chicken fingers and baked brie. Trust me, it’s so worth it….