I can’t count how many people tell me they won’t give up meat because they’re afraid they’d tire of eating only vegetables all the time. That might be true if you only eat unseasoned steamed vegetables, but there are so many ways to cook and season produce that if you continue to try new things, you will always enjoy a plant-based diet….
The lovely SimplySweetVeggie nominated Daily Dose of Greens for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award!
Thank you! I’m so flattered!
Her blog has some fun recipes and cooking tips, so if you haven’t yet, go check it out!
With the nomination, SimplySweetVeggie sent a set of questions:
1. In one word, how would you like your readers to describe your blog?
Inspirational (as in, it inspires them to get healthy!)
2. Which is your most favorite among your blog posts? Why?
My favorite recipes are probably my veggie pie, avocado enchiladas, loaded potato soup, African lentil stew, and roasted citrus salad because they are delicious and fun to make. I also like my 10 Truths About Weight Loss article because it addresses several weight loss issues.
3. What/Who inspires most of your blog posts?
Most of my nutrition articles are inspired by questions my friends ask, but my recipes are inspired by things I try in restaurants, read in magazines, or see on Pinterest.
4. What do you aspire to accomplish this year?
My blog has only been up for two months, so I would like to become more established in the blogging world (i.e., more followers, contacts, etc.). I would also like to start making short cooking demonstration videos for all of the beginner cooks out there.
5. What do you aspire to learn this year?
I’d like to learn how to make and edit videos so I can add some variety to my blog posts.
6. What is your most favorite book? Why?
This is tough. If I have to say just one, I’ll say the Bible. Others that have changed my life include The China Study, Eat to Live (by Joel Fuhrman, M.D.), Same Kind of Different As Me (by Ron Hall), and Food Politics (by Marion Nestle). My favorite cookbook right now is the Oh She Glows Cookbook.
7. What is your favorite quote?
Pretty much any Simpsons quote from seasons 1-10.
8. What’s the most courageous thing you’ve ever done?
I guess moving to North Carolina to be near my boyfriend (now husband). It was a risk, but I’m glad I did it!
9. If you can be a superhero, what is your super power?
Definitely flying
10. Who is your female role model?
I know it’s cliche, but I’d say my mom. She has shown me how to have a healthy marriage while maintaining a good sense of humor. She has also been very supportive of me and my career choice.
Now, for other nominees, this is what you do:
- thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site
- put the award logo on your blog
- answer the ten questions sent to you (the same questions above)
- nominate seven blogs
My Nominees:
- BitterSweet
- Lucy’s Friendly Foods
- Thyme & Honey
- Various Seasons
- Primal Piggy
- Cooking With Toddlers
- Myntans Kitchen
Can’t wait to see all of your answers!